
Few countries in the world have been as shaped by music as Austria. The legacy of Mozart is a seemingly endless love affair and Vienna’s status as a supercity for classical music is well deserved with generations of talented musicians and singers giving it their all to maintain the highest level excellence year in and year out. Salzburg Festival, Castle Grafenegg Music Festival, Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, Vienna Festival Weeks, La Strada in Graz, Donaufestival Krems, Jazz Festival in Saalfelden and Ars Electronica Festival in Linz are all wonderful events that make Austria a must visit destination from music lovers the world over. Music Traveler offers a wide selection of practice spaces, rehearsal rooms, recording studios, music venues, and performing arts venues across Austria.

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The alpine city of Innsbruck has long played an important role in Austria’s musical history. These days, Innsbruck skillfully blends old and new. This can be best enjoyed through its music festivals, like the International Festival of Early Music (featuring hits from 1500 to 1750), the Eastern Music Festival, the Summer Dance Festival, the Innsbruck International Choral festival and the Ambras Castle Concerts. The city is also home to the Federal State Theatre of Tyrol or Tiroler Landestheater.
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The alpine city of Innsbruck has long played an important role in Austria’s musical history. These days, Innsbruck skillfully blends old and new. This can be best enjoyed through its music festivals, like the International Festival of Early Music (featuring hits from 1500 to 1750), the Eastern Music Festival, the Summer Dance Festival, the Innsbruck International Choral festival and the Ambras Castle Concerts. The city is also home to the Federal State Theatre of Tyrol or Tiroler Landestheater.
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The capital of Carinthia is a quiet and peaceful city, nestled in an enchanting landscape. Culture is highly valued in Klagenfurt; visits to jazz or classical evenings are the norm among both visitors and locals, and the city’s theatres host regular productions of plays, operas or dance theatre.